New beginnings are here!


Hello, my wonderful divine souls! How are you all doing?

November allowed us to be lighter more focused and cleared a lot of fog for us. We have been able to clear stuff we couldn’t in the last 5-7 yrs. Clutter, jobs, chores, people, energies that have been stuck for last few years inside and outside us have suddenly been eliminated.

With all the clearing we have been doing this whole year with all the retrogrades, we are now feeling more clear in the mind, lighter in the heart and more driven and motivated than we have in a long time.

We could get rid of all that wasn’t required in our lives. The clutter, the habits, the beliefs, the fears, the conditioning and the toxic people that were not right for our highest good.

We have found a new level of self-confidence, trust, faith, self-love, motivation, and direction. The fog has lifted from our minds and we are more able to understand and see a lot of things clearly now. We love our selves more and are ready to draw our boundaries with people.

We are no more running away from our truths and destiny. We are more at peace and calm. There is an inner knowing and trust that everything will work out just fine and in divine timing.

December will bring a lot of closed chapters and new beginnings. New understandings, new opportunities, new love, new paths, and new people. We are feeling lighter and free. We have shed the baggage we were carrying and are ready to embark and fly off on a new journey.

We are so ready for the new life awaiting us. We have the full support of the planets, Angels, our masters and spirit guides who are paving the way for a wonderful us and an amazingly fulfilling life.

And so it is!

Love and light,
Smithaa M Chaturvedi

Smithaa is a Psychic and Clairvoyant. She is a Reiki GM, Numerologist, Tarot card reader, a Shamanic Healer, and a certified Life and Soul Coach. For more information and personal readings, you can contact her @ 9004699889/


Are you enjoying your victimhood?


Sometimes in life, we try to play the victim card when we want an excuse for our failures.
We blame other people, circumstances, God or fate for our current state.

We become comfortable in the toxic situation we are in, due to the familiarity and comfort.
We start enjoying the attention, leeway, benefits and sympathy we get because of it and keep craving more. It is like an addiction you can’t shed.

We refuse to take responsibility for our own actions out of fear of the future or of being wrong.
We constantly indulge in addictions and create unnecessary drama to take the
focus away from our inaction.

We close our minds to think differently. We do not wish to meet or listen to people who will try to show us the mirror and heal us. We push away people who try to make us feel empowered and responsible.
We seek people who participate in our drama and give us sympathy,  love, attention and affirmation to our excuses. But it only takes us in a downward spiral of addictions, depression and disease.

Ask yourself, do you want to remain in this pit or are you now ready to let go of the excuses and take responsibility for your own choices and life?

All the strength, resources and courage you need is within you. All the power you need was always there inside. You just need to change your focus and look at life differently.


Instead of looking at how a particular person or situation has damaged you, start asking how it has benefitted you. You will realize you have only gained a lot of knowledge and growth from this particular situation.

It has helped in making you the person you were meant to be. It has put you on the path you were supposed to be on. It has created the opportunities that didn’t exist before. Remember you signed up for this life before you were born.

So rather than blaming your circumstances and focussing on the negative, start showing gratitude for the blessings you have and watch your life change. Focus on the lessons you have come here to learn in this life. That is all you will be able to take when you go back home from this world.

Love n Light,


For healing, coaching or counselling

Contact: 9004699889 /

#Victimhood #Selflove #Comfort #Opportunities #Blessings #Destiny #Fate #Situations #Negitivity #Positive #Energies #Blame #Leeway #benefits #toxic #change #Focus #Pit #Depression #Disease #addictions #harm #thoughts #mind #soul #create #healing #gratitude #universe #divine #Twinflames #soulmates #breakthrough #rising #empowered #happiness #DivineVibrations #SmithaaMChaturvedi

Twin Flames: Dm not stepping up, Df is moving on


Hello, my friends, how are we dealing with the intense purging and Ascension happening?

I have been down with the Flu, coughing, headaches, cold

sleeping too much someday and too less someday,

same with food…too hungry sometimes and just can’t eat sometime.

Awake late nights and getting epiphanies and realizations or seeing and traveling in the dream state.

Acturian Starseeds are mainly working on their throat chakra.

Just keep yourselves hydrated and eat healthy, sleep as much as you can. Listen to soothing music, use aroma oils and sage to clear and rejuvenate.

I received some very important messages from The Source which I wish to share here.
The DF is fed up with the to and fro of the DM. She feels He is still stuck in 3D and behaving out of his fears and insecurities. He is stuck in his comfort zone and doesn’t have the courage to take the leap of faith. He is not going within and working on his truth. He doesn’t want to see the truth about himself, the connection and the divine purpose.

Which is not true…He is working on himself and is more open to the DF energies than before. He just has too many ancestral karmas to clear. His beliefs and conditioning have been too rigid and stubborn. He also has a lot of past life karmas to clear. He is working on them slow and steady. The universe has started pushing him big time. 🙂


He is feeling like a fish out of water. He has never dealt with so many mixed emotions before. He feels things he never thought he was capable of and that don’t fit in his logical mind. He is still fluctuating between thinking with his heart and thinking with his mind. He somehow feels he doesn’t deserve her love and suffers from low self-esteem and lacks self-confidence that he is capable of this journey. He is scared to open up and express his real feelings to the DF, he is scared he will hurt her. He wants to be with the DF…and desperately …believe me gals…OH Yeah!! …he is just not sure yet how he can make it happen and whether he can make it happen.

The Df has worked hard on helping him in 3D and 5D but she feels he keeps going back. He is not sharing or expressing as much as she does. She is now tired and fed up with all the one-sided love and effort she has been putting into this connection.


With all planets on full steam, she is raring to go forward with her mission, with or without the DM. She has gained back her strength and confidence and she doesn’t need the support and presence of the DM.
She is full of self-love and has realized she is complete in herself. She knows she deserves better. She is ENOUGH!
But the good news is the universe have realized all this turmoil and are sending a backup for her.


He/She may be the new TF or a soulmate or just a friend depending on each one’s journey. This new person may have already entered your life or will soon enter. He/She will be more aligned with your thoughts and journey and purpose and help you directly or indirectly. He/She may just provide you the emotional support you need till your DM shows up. Have faith he will soon as the Universe won’t let him be in peace till he does.

You are very much loved and cared for and supported by the Universe, your Masters, spirit guides and Angels. So relax and rejoice ladies, help, love, and support is close by!!
These messages may contradict or not resonate for some, so take whatever suits your individual journey.

For more clarity, personal readings or healing you can contact me :
